FD program and “Career Management B” lecture (7028) co-sponsored by the Division of Educational Development and Division of Global Education.
 “Practice of Active Leaning that grows student’s capability and talent –Group work and PBL- ”

  In active learning, instructors should not only have students participate in activities in the classroom but also make the student’s brain work fully, so that they grow their capability and talent, and develop ability to solve problems in the real world.
In this FD program, Professor Shungo Kawanishi, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, JAIST, will talk about such an active learning class using his “Global Leadership Training Program” as an example. This FD also presents two cases of active learning classes in NAIST to share experience in active learning.

Since the teaching skills in active learning are essential for faculty members, we strongly encourage PhD students, who wish to go into academia, to participate in this FD. International researchers are welcome, although a half of the lectures will be delivered in Japanese. The lecturers may answer in English if you ask questions in English.

Event Overview

Dates 25. March 2020(Wed.)13:30~16:50
26. March 2020(Thu.)9:30~11:00
Location 25. March(Wed.)Large Lecture Hall in MS 1F
26. March(Thu.)E207/208 lecture room in MS 2F
Schedule 【Day 1】
13:30 Welcome & Introduction
13:35 "Active Learning for Global Leadership Training" (in English)
      Prof. Shungo Kawanishi(Vice President for International Relations,
               Director/Research Professor, Global Communication Center, JAIST)
14:35 「”Project” Based Learningの実践について」(in Japanese)
     Prof. Hajimu Iida(Professor, Division of Information Science)
15:05 「PBL型「科学技術の社会実装」授業デザインと現場・運用・評価」(in Japanese)
     Prof. Masako Shinjo(Adjunct Professor, Institute for Educational Initiatives, NAIST)
15:35 Breakout
15:45 Panel Discussion
    (Shungo Kawanishi, Kotona Motoyama, Hajimu Iida,Masako Shinjo)
16:45 End
【Day 2】
9:30 Demonstration of “Global leadership Training Program” class (by Prof. Kawanishi and Dr. Kotona Motoyama, JAIST).
     Active Learning for Global Leadership Training (Shungo Kawanishi)
       Many academic institutions have been introducing Active Leaning as an effective approach in learning. Most of them, however, seem to aim at introduction of the approach only but lack understanding of how active learning opens up a bright future for students. This presentation introduces Active Learning for Global Leadership Training which Dr. Shungo Kawanishi and Dr. Kotona Motoyama of JAIT have developed and explains its concrete effects. On the following day, an opportunity to observe a mock class of Global Leadership Training Seminar will be offered to check effectiveness of active learning.
     ”Project” Based Learningの実践について (Hajimu Iida)
     PBL型「科学技術の社会実装」授業デザインと現場・運用・評価 (Masako Shinjo)
       2019年度開講バイオサイエンス(BS) の産業展開 IB [英語](BS 領域留学生対象Career Designと SDGs課題発見・解決を主題とする PBL型演習活用授業)における(1)目的(2)デザイン(3)運用(4)成果(5)評価と反省についてまとめ、PBLについての情報・意見交換の場へ話題提供する。来年度はタイトル「科学技術の社会実装」[英語] の下、留学生に加え日本人学生、BS領域に加え情報科学、物質科学領域学生の参加を期待する。
     “Global leadership Training Program”
       Demonstration of “Global leadership Training Program” class that be offered at JAIST. (by Prof. Kawanishi and Dr. Kotona Motoyama). You can observe this model class. Please enjoy!
     Shungo Kawanishi Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 副学長
       rofessor Shungo Kawanishi has been dedicating his life to development of global education which focuses on collaborations, appreciation of diversity and practical problem solving indispensable for the global era. Dr. Kawanishi received his Master’s degree and Ph.D. in political science from the University of Georgia and was one of the founding members of the Center for the Study of Global Issues (GLOBIS) at the University. After working for GLOBIS for 14 years, he stayed in Hawaii from 1995 to 2009 to hold a professorship and positions of Dean of Academic Affairs, Vice President and President at TransPacific Hawaii College. Since 2009 Dr. Kawanishi has been working at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) in Nomi city in Ishikawa prefecture and currently he is the research professor/director of the Global Communication Center and the Vice President for International Affairs.
     Hajimu Iida 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 教授
      大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科修了後、同大助教、奈良先端科学技術大学院大学・情報科学 センター助教授等を経て本学教授。多大学連携による人材育成プログラムIT-Spiral(先導的ITスペシャリスト育成推進プログラム)への参画を端緒にenPiT/enPiT2(成長分野を支える情報技術人材の育成拠点の形成・クラウド/ビッグデータ・AI分野)やenPiT-Pro(同社会人対象プログラム,IoT分野)、に連携校の代表として参画。奈良先端大独自プログラムとして、情報系の多能工型人材育成プログラム(IT-Triadic)やIoT分野でのアントレプレナー育成プログラム(geiot)などを企画・運営。
      Masako Shinjo 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 客員教授
       大阪大学大学院工学研究科醗酵工学専攻修士修了後、日本ロシュ研究所主席研究員を務められ、博士(工学)取得。2002年よりスイスロシュ研究所 Senior Scientist、買収により DSM Nutritional Products 研究所 Senior Scientist に就任。2005年帰国後、MS BioConsulting (個人事業)、奈良先端科学技術大学院大学客員教授、ジーンデータ株式会社サイエンティフィックコンサルタント兼務し、グローバル人材育成に尽力されている。生物工学会和文誌でキャリアデザインシリーズ担当。
Recommended to Young researchers such as associate professors, assistant professors, and postdocs. PhD students who wish to go into academia. Masters course students who wish to go into PhD program.
Capasity No limit
Languege Japanese/English(Half of lectures will be delivered in Japanese. The lecturers may answer in English if you ask questions in English.)
Registration The event has ended.
Number of participants 25 March 14
26 March 16

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