
アカデミックアシスタント配置及び役務委託経費助成 報告書


所属 / Affiliation
名前 / Name
メールアドレス / E-mail
(報告年度の)支援開始 / Start of support for the reporting year
(報告年度の)支援終了 / End of support for the reporting year
1.AAの従事した業務内容/役務委託した内容 / Contents of work undertaken/consigned by the AA
※Please describe the work that the academic assistant has undertaken or consigned as a result of this grant.
2.成果 / Achievements
※Please describe the results of your work with support provided by this grant. If you have published any papers, applied for any patents, etc., please give details, including any plans to do so.
3.本制度の改善点など / Improvements to this grant, etc.
※Please write any comments you have about this grant.