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Along with the various activities centered around the international offices, the improvement of support programs for students who study abroad and the enhancement of the educational system for the new single graduate school system, the Division for Global Education homepage was renewed to more effectively disseminate information about overseas study, activities, partner institutions, etc. in a centralized manner for NAIST faculty, staff and current and prospective students.

“NAIST Thailand Office Symposium was held in Bangkok, Thailand.”


This year saw an increase in collaborative activities building on NAIST’s international networks and the international offices and an expansion support measures for international students and scholars through the Center for International Students and Scholars accomplishments. NAIST also saw its first successful graduates of its doctoral double degree program this year.

“NAIST Thailand Office” Inaugural Symposium was held in Bangkok, Thailand.”


Additional achievements for globalization were pursued, and a major event was the opening of the NAIST Thailand Office within the Kasetsart University’s Faculty of Engineering as the second overseas education collaborative office. To provide a wide range of support to NAIST’s diverse faculty, staff and students on campus, the Center for International Students and Scholars was established, as well as the Career Support Office activities expanded.

“NAIST Indonesia Office” Inaugural Symposium was held in Bogor, Indonesia.


Further advancements were made in the globalization of graduate education curriculum. NAIST opened its first overseas education collaborative office in Bogor, Indonesia. NAIST has been focusing on being able to provide comprehensive support to growing numbers of international students, faculty/staff, and scholars, including academic and life assistance and career development.

NAIST hosted the 2nd Top Global University Project Symposium, “Challenges and Opportunities: Graduate Education in Science and Technology towards Global Engagement”.


The Center for Strategy and Planning, the Institute for Educational Initiatives, and the Institute for Research Initiatives were launched to promote global excellence in graduate education. Campus internationalization was furthered through efforts including Overseas FD / SD programs and the Top Global University Project Kick-Off Symposium.

NAIST hosted the Top Global University Project Kick-Off Symposium, “Toward Establishing a Global Standard Graduate University: Cultivating Tomorrow’s Global Leaders in Advanced Science and Technology”.