Honorary Doctoral Degree Conferment Ceremony for Dr. Takeo Kanade from U. A. and Helen Whitaker University Prof. Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, U.S.A. (November 1, 2011)

Information Science 2011/11/11

NAIST awarded Dr. Takeo Kanade, U. A. and Helen Whitaker University Prof. Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University, an Honorary Doctoral Degree on November 1. Professor Kanade also gave a commemorative lecture. An Honorary Doctoral Degree is an award to recognize the contribution made by scientists to the internationalization of NAIST. Professor Kanade is the third recipient of the Honorary Doctoral Degree.

Professor Kanade is the world leading researcher accomplishing distinguished researches in the field of computer science. He has long been contacted with the faculty members of the Graduate School of Information Science, NAIST. In particular, he gives advices to the young faculties when they visit to the USA for their researches. From 2003, he has given lecture and instructions in the Digital Human which is one of the affiliated laboratories in the School. In addition, he involved in "the Strategic Young Researcher Overseas Visits Program for Accelerating Brain Circulation" of JSPS as the International Cooperation Research of NAIST. These his great contributions have lead to the award for this time.

About 200 faculties and students participated in his lecture and all were attracted eagerly by his passionate presentation. The ceremony ended with great success.

■Click here to access the video content of the Honorary Doctoral Degree conferment ceremony.
■Click here to access the video content of the commemorative lecture.

*You need plug-in to view the video. Please download the software for free from here.

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