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Using Temporary Childcare Services

Assistant Professor Masaru Yamanaka, Division of Materials Science, Functional Supramolecular Chemistry Lab.(Hirota Lab.)

I heard about the temporary childcare service through a university-wide e-mail. I told my wife about it and she said, "You should definitely use it," so we have been using it on a case-by-case basis during open campus events. I have used temporary childcare at a nearby daycare center in the past, but my child seems to come home in much better shape after using the university's temporary childcare service.
It was only by chance that I became aware of this service, and I had no idea that the University had such a variety of support systems for balancing work and family life. The website of the Office for Equal Opportunity was also difficult to find, and at first I wondered if it was in the benefits section. But it was not there either, so it was hard to find. Unfortunately, I don't think it can be said that sufficient information about support for balancing work and family life has reached members of the university.
Currently, temporary childcare is provided three times a year on open campus days, but university-sponsored events on Saturdays and Sundays include not only open campus but also orientation for successful applicants, which requires working on holidays about six times a year. It would be great to have temporary childcare available for these events as well.
(March 2020)

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