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Using Start-up Research Funds

Assistant Professor Manami Toriyama, Laboratory of Molecular Informatics and Pharmacology, Division of Biological Science(Ito Lab)

I am a graduate of the Ito Lab in the Bioscience Field at our university, and my husband used to be an assistant professor at our university, so I knew about this program before I arrived in April 2019.
I have been doing research with mice since I was originally affiliated with the Ito Institute. Research involving animal experiments has huge initial and maintenance costs, but this grant allowed me to start my research smoothly.。

The research funds were used to purchase consumables and pay for the use of the animal facilities. Experimental animals for evaluating drug efficacy or isolating neurons, and reagents such as culture medium for maintaining neurons on culture dishes, reagents for attaching cells to glass, and antibodies for studying cell characteristics are all expensive, but we were able to obtain them with the research grant.
We also established a new strain of mice. Of all the experiments involving mice, establishing a new mouse strain is the most time-consuming and expensive. In addition, there is no guarantee that we will succeed in establishing a new mouse strain, so it is a very difficult task, but thanks to the support of this research grant, we were able to take on this challenge.

Thanks to this grant, my research in immunology, development, aging, neuroscience, etc., which were previously dots, are now lines, and I am able to work in new areas.
I cannot think of any improvements to this program, and I am grateful for the generous research grant that has supported me for two years, allowing me to successfully start my research at the university and get into the flow of it.
(July 2021)

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