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Using Temporary Childcare Services

Tomoyuki Miyao, Associate Professor, Data Science Center, Data-Driven Chemistry Group, Division of Material Science

I learned about this service when I received a university-wide e-mail prior to the open campus. The first time I used this service was about three years ago when my child was one year old. At the time, my wife did not work at a company, so I took care of the child all day during the weekdays, but it is hard to be with a child all the time. So I was the main caretaker of the children on weekends. The open campus was held on Saturdays and Sundays, and I heard that a temporary childcare service was available for faculty, staff, and students, so I decided to take advantage of it. The day I was allowed to use the service, my child seemed to be having a good time. He was not going to daycare at the time, but he liked playing with other children, so he was in a good mood every time we used the service.
(July 2021)

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