ホーム  > メッセージ  > 利用者の声  > スタートアップ研究費を利用して(日永田 智絵 先生)
Using Start-up Research Funds

Tomoe Hinagata, Assistant Professor, Mathematical Informatics Laboratory, Division of Information Sciences (Ikeda Lab.)

I came to NAIST in February 2020. My brother, who is 6 years older than me, is a graduate of the Tsukasa Ogasawara Laboratory of Information Science at NAIST, and I had considered this laboratory as a place to pursue my master's degree, so I was very familiar with this university.

I was "grateful" to receive a start-up research grant when I arrived at the university. At that time, I was a specially appointed researcher at Osaka University, but it was difficult to get a budget when changing positions, and there was no budget to continue at the new location, so this program was a boost to my application.

I was able to buy many books with the research funds. The most important result of this program was that I was able to publish a survey paper. I do research on social emotions, which are defined differently in different studies, and there are few studies on engineering approaches to social emotions.

If this were a research grant that required immediate results, I would have to conduct experiments at a rapid pace, but since this program supports startups, I was able to continue preparing for experiments while establishing a foothold. We were also able to purchase several pieces of equipment to be used in the experiments that are now underway, for which we are very grateful.
(March 2022)

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