ホーム  > メッセージ  > 利用者の声  > スタートアップ研究費を利用して(舘田 知佳 先生)
Using Start-up Research Funds

Assistant Professor Chika Tateda, Laboratory of Plant Immunology, Division of Biological Science(Saijo Lab.)

Until I came to this university, I had been conducting research on a blue-flowered plant called gentian, but after I arrived, I decided to change the type of plant material I was studying. Therefore, this research grant was mainly used to purchase experimental materials and equipment to determine, among other things, what types of plant/pathogen combinations are commonly found in my project.。

I was also able to purchase other equipment that I would not have been able to purchase immediately without this research grant, such as an ultrasonic generator used in the process of purifying proteins produced by E. coli, which is essential for experiments in this lab.
(August 2022)

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