ホーム  > メッセージ  > 利用者の声  > スタートアップ研究費を利用して(安喜 史織 先生)
Using Start-up Research Funds

Assistant Professor Shiori Yasuki, Laboratory of Plant Growth Regulation, Division of Biological Science(Umeda Lab)

I joined the lab as a postdoctoral researcher in July 2013, and became an assistant professor in April 2020. I knew about the Start-up Research Fund when I was a postdoctoral researcher, and it was a great incentive for me to apply for the assistant professor position.

During my tenure as a postdoctoral researcher, there was no shortage of research activities. However, I was in the position of being part of a project with a budget obtained by the laboratory organizers, so I was happy to receive a research grant as my own budget this time, and it gave me peace of mind that I could proceed with my own research.

I was very grateful that I was able to use the research funds to purchase reagents, soil for plant cultivation, and microscope-related consumables that were essential for the progress of my research.
(August 2022)

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