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Receiving Start-up Research Funds for Women Researchers

Noriko Kaji, Assistant Professor, Division of Biological Sciences, Molecular Informatics and Pharmacology Laboratory(Ito Lab.)

I knew about the Start-up Research Grant before I came to NAIST, because I applied to NAIST after seeing the information about open faculty positions on the website. I remember thinking that it would be convenient for me to start my own project if I could receive a research grant at the beginning. I also got the impression that the university was trying to recruit female researchers.

I arrived in April 2014, and I used the grant to buy reagents that I needed to start my research and that were not available in my lab. In addition to the reagents, I also used the grant to buy a computer and for travel expenses to conferences to present my results. I am glad that this grant allowed me to purchase things that I needed to carry out my own project, which was different from the Ito lab's project.
(March, 2016)

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