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Receiving Start-up Research Funds for Women Researchers

Division of Biological Sciences, Molecular Medicine and Cell Biology Laboratory(Suetsugu Lab.), Assistant Professor Kyoko Hanawa

Applications for external funding, such as Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, are for expenses that are in line with the research purpose and plan, and cannot be used for things not mentioned there. However, unforeseen circumstances often arise in the course of research. For example, as a result of finding something unexpected, as I did, it is necessary to verify the results in an experimental system that has never been done before, or a power distribution or water pipe breaks... At times like this, it is very helpful for researchers, whether men or women, to have the support of a research grant that can be used freely and without restrictions on its use.

Thanks to this research grant, we were able to speed up various matters related to the transfer of equipment in the first year, and we were also able to establish a foothold for obtaining new external funding from FY2015 onwards. Research must continue to develop without interruption, while at the same time nurturing new seeds. We are grateful that this research grant has made this possible.
(March, 2016)

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