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Receiving Start-up Research Funds for Women Researchers

Assistant Professor Nanaho Fukuda, Functional Genomics and Medicine Laboratory(Ishida Lab.), Division of Biological Sciences

I was appointed to this position in September 2015, but I had other external funding in fiscal year 2015, so I was able to use this research grant together in fiscal year 2016, my second year in this position. It was very helpful for me to have a good outlook for the next fiscal year.
Since I am doing research on the nervous system in the immunology lab, I have to get a lot of things on my own, but this research grant allowed me to purchase the reagents and equipment needed for my project.

I found out about this research grant through the information in the public announcement. It is very encouraging for me to continue my research, and I think it will be a great boost for me if I transfer from another university. I think this is a very effective initiative in terms of making it known that the university is proactive in promoting women, and increasing the number of applications from female researchers.
(August, 2016)

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