ホーム  > メッセージ  > 利用者の声  > 女性研究者スタートアップ研究費を受給して(崔恩瀞助教)
Receiving Start-up Research Funds for Women Researchers

Choi Eunjong Assistant Professor, Laboratory for Software Design and Analysis(Iida Lab.), Division of Information Science

When I found out that NAIST had an open call for applications, I consulted with my husband, who has experience working as an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Information Sciences, and he strongly recommended that I apply, not only because of the good research environment, but also because of the excellent support for female researchers. In particular, one of the reasons I applied to NAIST was that there is a lot of support for women, including childbirth and child-rearing.

This research grant was mainly used for travel expenses. I attended various academic conferences, partly because my previous job was in the humanities and I was not familiar with the latest trends in my field when I arrived at NAIST. Although my field does not require special equipment that I need to prepare, I am glad that this research grant gave me the opportunity to gather information and exchange opinions with other researchers in the same field.

I would have appreciated a two-year fellowship instead of a one-year fellowship. I was in a hurry when I first arrived at the institute, so I wish I had more time.
(June, 2017)

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