ホーム  > メッセージ  > 利用者の声  > アカデミックアシスタント制度を利用して(久保健一研究員)
Using the Academic Assistant System

Kenichi Kubo, Researcher
・Division of Biological Science, Laboratory of Intercellular Informatics (Takayama Lab)
AA Ms. Eri Mori

I had my first child last year. My partner works and I am closer to home to work, so I have to at least take him to and from daycare. This limited the amount of time I could devote to research, and it was a difficult situation, but I have been able to take advantage of the AA program since last year, which has been very helpful. I asked Ms. Mori to extract DNA and RNA from cultivated plants and analyze what genes are in them and how they function.

She is also a child-rearing person, so even though it is not directly related to her work, she gives me a lot of information and listens to my complaints, so in that sense she is also helping me with my child-rearing. I compiled the results of my research, including the results of Ms. Mori's analysis, into a nightly paper during the period when my child cries at night. The results were published in the first issue of Nature Plants in January 2015 and received international acclaim.

My hope for the future of the program is that next year's application requirements will be released as soon as possible. If you are an AA with children, there are procedures such as day care, etc., and we would like to know as soon as possible under what conditions we can be hired.
(July 2015)

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