ホーム  > メッセージ  > 利用者の声  > アカデミックアシスタント制度を利用して(宮島俊介助教 ・古田かおり研究員)
Using the Academic Assistant System

Assistant Professor Shunsuke Miyajima ・Research Scientist Kaori Furuta
・Division of Biological Science, Laboratory of Plant Developmental Signaling (Nakajima Lab)
AA Ms. Nauko Inui

~Professors Shunsuke Miyajima and Kaori Furuta of the Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology are a married couple who belong to the same laboratory and have two children, aged 2 years and 0.2 months. Under the university's Academic Assistant (AA) system, one AA is usually assigned to each researcher, but for Drs. Miyajima and Furuta, we assigned one AA to the couple.~

●About AA
Miyajima and Furuta / In 2014, we had Mr. Inui work as an AA. He originally had seven years of experience as a technical staff member at our university, so we were very grateful that he was able to do exactly the job we asked him to do from the beginning. Although we work with different genes in our research, the required experimental materials, techniques, and genetic modification work are the same, so we asked Ms. Inui to perform tasks common to both of us in our research. She has continued to work with us as an AA this year.

●Opinions on the AA System
Miyajima and Furuta: We use the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for consumables for our experiments, so it would be very helpful if we could continue to receive support from the AA system. In addition, the current AA system sets a uniform hourly rate, so I think it would be good if flexible levels could be set depending on the knowledge and experience of the person hired. In addition, since the application period for AA is just before the start of employment, we would like to see the application period set about two months earlier, for example.

●Using the AA System
Furuta: Although it is frustrating not to be able to do research because of childbirth and childcare, it is reassuring to know that the work is progressing little by little because of Ms. Inui's work as an AA. Also, there are a lot of female students in our lab, so I try to show them that they can work after having children. I think that if I don't do my best here, it might be difficult for female students to have hope for the future, so I will do my best as much as I can.
(September, 2015)

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