
イベント報告 2021/10/04




先端科学技術研究科     25名(うち留学生16名)


物質創成科学研究科     1名

先端科学技術研究科     29名(うち留学生22名)


情報科学研究科     1名

総計 56名(うち留学生38名)


Congratulatory Remarks for Graduating Students (September 24, 2021)

It is just great to be here, standing in front of you. Not online. Not recording.

Let me begin by congratulating each member of this graduating class, on which I have just conferred 25 Master's degrees and 31 Doctoral degrees.

About 30 years ago, I was also a graduate student.

So, I know that completing a postgraduate degree is not an easy task even in the best of times. During this trying pandemic, you all have been striving, with your eyes kept on your milestone today. Some of you may now be recalling all the sacrifices you made to reach today's goal. Lack of sleep, working in the lab on weekends, missing family and friends back home...

We are proud of your resilience and what you have overcome.

In addition to saluting your efforts, this is also a day to thank everyone who has helped and supported you. Your professors, your family, your friends...

They may not be here today, but why don't we give them a round of applause.

This is also a perfect opportunity for you to reflect what you have learned here at NAIST. What do you think? Cutting-edge knowledge in science and technology? Unfortunately, even the latest knowledge you currently carry will be outdated soon after you step out of the campus.

I believe one of the most important skills that you have acquired as graduate students is to learn for yourself. Through your thesis research, you have learned how to update yourself, how to upgrade yourself, and how to create new values to share with others.

Now, I like to spend a minute, talking about a famous actor of the Japanese Noh theater 600 years ago. His name is Ze-ami. Some of you may have heard of the name. In addition to about 50 Noh dramas that are still played today, Ze-ami wrote dozens of treatises on drama, including "Fuhshikaden", which is also known as "The Book of Transmission of the Flower". It had been passed on as a book of secrets for hundreds of years within a school of Noh theater in Nara until its publication around the beginning of the 20th century.

In the book, Ze-ami says, "住する所なきを、まづ花と知るべし".

I would translate it as "Never dwell to be a flower".

"Never dwell to be a flower".

I think Ze-ami meant to say, "Don't stay where you are and who you are". You should not remain yourself of today, even if this graduation day is one of the most glorious days in your life. Keep reinventing yourself in order to bloom. I mean a big flower.

Facing the unprecedented challenges, such as the pandemic and global warming, the world needs big "flowers", more than ever. They are waiting for our newest alumni. The unprecedented challenges offer unprecedented opportunities for you to grow and contribute to innovative solutions for the global issues.

So, how can we keep reinventing ourselves?

I have a piece of advice for you. This is from a song titled "My Revolution" by the signer Misato Watanabe. She is originally from Seika-cho, not far from the Sushiro restaurant on 163. The song was released in 1986, and one of the best-selling songs of the year in Japan.

The song says, ※'My revolution means to distort tomorrow'. It tells you can start your revolution, and evolution, by trying something new tomorrow. Doesn't need to be something big. All you need to do is to "distort" your set pattern by trying a small thing at a time. After many of such tomorrows, you will find yourself developed into another person that you will be proud of, more than you are today.

In years to come, I look forward to seeing you as our proud alumni, for example, on our Homecoming Day, which is organized every fall. Remember - even after graduation, you are members of our NAIST community. NAIST now has over 10,000 alumni and the NAIST Alumni Association serves as a platform for their global network. Please keep in touch.

Again, congratulations to all of our graduates, and my best wishes for your future.

Go and outgrow your limits!

SHIOZAKI Kazuhiro, President, Nara Institute of Science and Technology

September 24, 2021

※Referenced from Misato Watanabe - My Revolution







 ここで、日本の600年前の能楽者、世阿弥について少しお話しさせてください。世阿弥の名前は皆さんも聞いたことがあるかもしれません。現在でも上演される50曲近くの演目に加え、彼は幾つもの演劇論を現在に遺しています。その中の一つに「風姿花伝」があります。海外でも"The Book of Transmission of the Flower"として知られているものです。この本は奈良にある能楽の宗家に秘伝書として伝わり、20世紀になって初めて出版されたものです。

  「風姿花伝」の中で世阿弥は"住する所なきを、まづ花と知るべし"と書いています。"Never dwell to be a flower"とでも訳せるでしょうか。世阿弥は「現在の居場所、現在の自分自身に満足してはいけない」ということが言いたかったのだと思います。本学を修了する今日という日がこれまでの人生で最も輝かしい日だとしても、皆さんは今の自分に留まってはならないのです。自分自身を見直し、再構築し続けて、いつか大輪の花を咲かせるのです。



 アドバイスを一つ、皆さんに差し上げたいと思います。渡辺美里さんという歌手の「My Revolution」という歌の一節です。彼女は本学にほど近い京都府精華町の出身です。「My Revolution」は1986年に発売され、当時、日本で最も売れた楽曲の一つです。

 この歌の中に※"わかり始めたmy revolution明日を乱すことさ"という歌詞が登場します。自己を変革していくために、明日、何か新しいことに挑戦しよう、と歌っています。大それた行動である必要はありません。小さな挑戦によって自分の思考や行動の型を「乱す」ことなのです。これを何度も繰り返すことによって皆さんは、今日、学位を得た自分よりも更に誇りに思えるような人間へと成長していくことができるのです。



Outgrow your limits!


奈良先端科学技術大学院大学長 塩﨑一裕

※" "は、渡辺美里氏の「My Revolution」より引用
