Nara Institute of Science and Technology Division for Research Strategy


Research Dissemination

Support for Paper Proofreading and Publication

This support ended in FY2022.

The Division for Research Strategy is engaged in a variety of activities to improve research capability of NAIST. Specifically, we provide support to improve the percentage of research papers in the top 10%, which is part of the indicators of research capability, and the percentage of internationally co-authored papers. In order to achieve the improvement of research capability shown in these indicators, it is essential to revitalize research itself, but it is also extremely important to disseminate excellent research in a form that is recognized by the public. For this reason, it is also important to express the results of the research in English more skillfully, and to be selected as a highly influential and highly cited academic journal.

Therefore, we started the "Project of international scientific papers proofreading expenses support" as a formal project in FY 2015, and are working to increase the number and quality of our international papers by supporting the cost of English paper proofreading for international academic papers. Through effective proofreading, researchers are expected to acquire a high level of English essay writing skills with international appeal. In FY 2017, we changed the name of the project to "Project of international scientific papers proofreading and publication expenses support". In addition to supporting research paper proofreading, we are also providing support for publication costs of open access research papers, which have particularly high impact. Now that open access is becoming a big swell all over the world, we will continue to focus on this publication support in order to improve the external visibility of our research results.

Support Results
FY Proofreading Publication
2014 (Dec.-Mar.) 20 papers -
2015 56 papers -
2016 52 papers -
2017 53 papers 16 papers
2018 39 papers 16 papers
2019 45 papers 22 papers
2020 54 papers 29 papers
2021 89 papers 79 papers
2022 30 papers 26 papers