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Declaration of "iku-boss" at NAIST

Text and illustration from

Statement by Iku-boss of Nara Institute of Science and Technology

Based on the Basic Law for a Gender Equitable Society, the Law for Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation, and the Law for the Promotion of Women's Activities, we have decided to make the "Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) Iku-boss Declaration" to further promote equal participation of men and women in education and research activities, and to take positive and steady steps to enable all faculty members to fully demonstrate their individuality and abilities. We will work as "Iku-boss" to realize the following basic policies set forth in the "Declaration on Gender Equality.

  1. We will promote the recruitment, development, and appointment of faculty and staff from the perspective of gender equality.
  2. We will promote support and environmental improvements that enable students to balance family life with education, research, and employment.
  3. We will promote collaboration with local communities on gender equality.
  4. We will promote awareness-raising and educational activities related to gender equality. December 22, 2016

December 22, 2016

Ikoma Iku-boss Joint Declaration Ceremony

Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST)

President    Naoki Ogasawara

Managing Director and Vice President     Mikio Kataoka

Managing Director and Vice President    Naokazu Yokoya

Executive Director and Secretary General   Kiyoshi Nakajima

Group photo at the declaration of

※The term "iku-boss" refers to a boss (manager or supervisor) who considers the work-life balance of subordinates and employees in the workplace and supports their careers and lives, while achieving organizational results and enjoying his or her own work and personal life.

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