January 29, 2021
IR Office, Center for Strategy and Planning


  • ORCID (https://orcid.org/) provides researchers with a unique identifier and a mechanism for linking their research output to research-related systems used by publishers and funders.
    (ORCID: Open Researcher and Contributor ID)

Benefits of ORCID

  • ORCID functions not only as a profile system that enables you to distinguish yourself, but also as an infrastructure to reduce the work required of individual researchers and research communities.

    -ORCID distinguishes you and ensures your research output and activities are correctly attributed to you.

    -ORCID makes individual ORCID Record homepages that allows you to share your profile and research achievements.

    -When you submit a paper, by entering the ORCID, your affiliation information, etc. connected to the ORCID is automatically entered, reducing the overall workload. When papers are accepted and given DOIs, the paper information approved by the publisher is automatically registered to your ORCID record. Research information prior to obtaining ORCID is not automatically registered, but tools from CrossRef, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, etc. can register this information.

    -Many international journals recommend entering ORCID when submitting papers, and there is a tendency to make this mandatory. Some academic societies automatically add peer review work to the ORCID records.

    -If you have ORCID already, the reliability of your ORCID record information is improved by institutional certification. Since ORCID is a number assigned to an individual, you can use the same ORCID regardless of the institution.


  • NAIST received its ORCID membership in April 2020.
  • Through institutional certification, your ORCID record information is approved by NAIST, which increases the reliability of your ORCID record's research achievement information.
  • We will continue to evaluate the domestic and international situation regarding ORCID, and not only recommend ORCID acquisition to faculty members and students (especially doctoral students), but also consider using information such as ORCID and its research results for NAIST's institutional research.

To register for your ORCID

Institutional certification using "Society to ORCID"

  • In March 2021, NAIST introduced a new ORCID-linked API service for academic institutions, Society to ORCID, provided by Atlas Co., Ltd., and established a system to promote institutional certification. Please follow the procedures for ORCID acquisition and institutional certification.
  • The above-mentioned procedures for institutional certification are mainly aimed at full-time faculty members, but specially-appointed faculty members, researchers, students(especially doctoral students), etc. may also be eligible. For more information, please contact the office below.
For more information
IR Office, Center for Strategy and Planning
(Administration Bureau:Evaluation and Institutional Research Section)
* Change the "[at]" in the address to @.