●National Health Insurance

People enrolled in the National Health Insurance scheme pay health insurance premiums on a sliding scale according to their income, in return for which the scheme helps pay for any medical costs incurred for the treatment of illness or injury, etc. Foreigners whose visa status is "College Student", or those who will be staying in Japan for more than 3 months, must enroll in National Health Insurance.

Note that the scheme does not cover some kinds of medical procedure, including health examinations, orthodontics, expensive dentures, and childbirth.

Registry Procedures

Apply at the municipal office (National Health Insurance Section, National Health Insurance and Pension Division, Ikoma City Office, for individuals living in Ikoma City) according to the area in which you live. You will be issued a National Health Insurance Card (hokenshou) after completing the registration.

Required documents

  1. Passport
  2. Residence Card

Insurance Premiums

Insurance premiums are paid monthly after registration. Premiums are determined based on your income. They also vary by municipality. In Ikoma City, students enrolling in university as of April pay the premiums in eight installments from July through February of the following year, while students enrolling in university as of October pay four installments from November through February of the following year. For international students, general insurance premiums are reduced in part if the student declares upon enrollment that they have no income. Please be aware that late fees are assessed on delayed premium payments. When you leave Japan, be sure to complete the procedures required for withdrawal from National Health Insurance, and return your Insurance Card.

Medical Care Payments

When you show your National Health Insurance Card at a hospital, your payments will be 30% of the medical cost plus the cost of medicine.

●National Pension

All people who are registered to reside in Japan and aged between 20 and 59, irrespective of their nationality, must be covered by the National Pension system by law and must pay contributions. However, students can apply for exemption (for Research Students) or postponement (Regular Students) of payment.

Registry Procedures

Apply at the municipal office (National Pension Section, National Health Insurance and Pension Division, Ikoma City Office, for individuals living in Ikoma City) according to the area in which you live. You can also apply for the exemption or postponement at the same time. After the completion of the procedure, Pension Handbook will be sent to you by post.

Required documents

  1. Passport
  2. Residence Card
  3. Student ID Card (for postponement application)